Ilford Ilfocolor rapid retro edition single Use Disposable Camera

Ilford Ilfocolor rapid retro edition single Use Disposable Camera

Ilford Ilfocolor rapid retro edition single Use Disposable Camera

The single use film camera features an optical viewfinder, Is equipped with a fixed-focus wide angle (31mm) f11 lens and a shutter speed of 1/125 sec. The camera delivers sharp images down to 1m and It’s pre-loaded with an AAA battery, with a 15-second recycle time for low light shooting and fill flash in bright daylight.

This camera takes 27 Photos, can be used indoor or outdoors, with an automatic flash recharge that covers 1.2 to 4.5 Metres.

*Please note, this camera DOES NOT include a replica car! Images of car are used for illustrative purposes only.

*If you require developing we also offer the following services*

Develop Only - Click Here

Develop & Scan - Click Here

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